Easily Find And Replace Text Across Multiple Files on Ubuntu : Linux
However, if you are a Linux or Apple Mac user, help is at hand. You can search for, and replace text across multiple files using a single command. Which means, you are able to do in a few seconds what would have normally taken you hours to accomplish.
Here is how it is done. Open a terminal in Linux/ Mac OS X and navigate to the directory in which you have your text files.
Now run the following command -
$ perl -pi -w -e 's/SEARCH_FOR/REPLACE_WITH/g;' *.txt
While running the above command, don’t forget to replace “SEARCH_FOR” string with the text you want to correct, and the “REPLACE_WITH” string with the text you want to substitute.
For example, if I want to replace the word oranges with apples in all the text files, I will run the above command as follows :
$ perl -pi -w -e 's/oranges/apples/g;' *.txt
It is a basic Perl command. However, ‘s/oranges/apples/g;‘ is grep syntax. The ‘s‘ denote substitution; and ‘g‘ denote global – meaning every occurrence of the word within the file.
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