Women's contribution to the Development of a Country and The World
Today women are playing very important role in all sector of human life. They are no longer confined within the four walls of their parent’s or husband’s life when men are working outside. They have also come out of the kitchens like men. Not only they come out but also they are working hand in hand with men in the development programs of the government and family for the development of country and her family. By taking higher education they are becoming pilots, doctors, engineers, teachers, administrators etc. Now a day, they have been able to prove their worth. They not only do their household work but also work out side of their house.
They are also contributing much to the economy of the country and her family. Women are half of the total people of any country. But most of the country they are idle. There is no enough facility for women working. But it is very necessary to make a environment where have facility for women work. Now it has come to the realization of the educated men that true development of the country is never possible keeping half of the population of country idle at home. So it needs no telling that women are playing a great role in the socio-economic condition of our country.
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