How to Extra Add a Gadget (page element) in Header to Blogger

How to Extra Add a Gadget (page element) in Header to Blogger? Many time we need to add extra gadget in header. Generally The standard 2 column Blogger template have only 3 ADD A GADGET (page element) as shown in the screen shot below:

It is useful to have extra ADD A GADGET  in the blog Header, below the blog Header and in the main column as shown in the screen shot below:

Examples what I use them for is the Google custom search at the top of the main column and the AdSense link units below this blog title. A blogger also wanted to add a Marquee like the one under the blog title in the demo blog.This can be done by adding extra ADD A GADGET. To do this just follow below steps..

1. First log in to your Blogger account and back-up your template.

2. Then click Dashboard >> Layout >> Edit HTML

3. Click on "Expand Widget Templates"

4. Ctrl F and find showaddelement.

5. Change showaddelement='no' to showaddelement='yes'.

6. If there is  a maxwidgets='1' in front of the showaddelement. Change it to maxwidgets='2' or more or even leave it as maxwidgets='' (unlimited number).

7. Save the templates and you are done.

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