How to Remove/Hide Newer post-Home-Older post and Subscribe to post Link in Blogger

How to Remove/Hide Newer post-Home-Older post and Subscribe to post Link in Blogger? In almost all Blogger Templates, you can find the Newer Post – Home – Older Post Links  and Subscribe to post Link below the blog posts. If you want to remove or hide these links, just do the following simple steps:


1. First log in to your Blogger account and back-up your template.

 2. Then click Dashboard >> Layout >> Edit HTML

 3. Click on "Expand Widget Templates"

 4. Ctrl F and find the below code:

#blog-pager-newer-link {

float: left;}

#blog-pager-older-link {

float: right;}

#blog-pager {

text-align: center;}

5. Now replace that code with the following code:

#blog-pager-newer-link {

display: none;}

#blog-pager-older-link {

display: none;}

#blog-pager {

display: none;}

6. And remove the Subscribe to post link find out the below code:

 <b:include name='feedLinks'/>

And remove it and save your template.

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