How to Show/Add HTML/java Codes in Blogger(Blogspot) Blog Posts : Blogger Tips

How to Show/Add HTML/Java Codes in Blogger(Blogspot) Blog Posts? We fall in problem when we have to use HTML/Java code in Blogger post. No tension just follow me...


 1. First log in to your Blogger account and back-up your template.

 2. Then click Template >> Edit HTML

 3. Chose Proceed to start editing the HTML code.

 4. Click on "Expand Widget Templates"

 5. Ctrl F and find the below code:   ]]></b:skin>

6. Now you have to add this code above that code,

border:1px solid #A6B0BF;
color:#000000 }
pre:hover {
border:1px solid #efefef; }
code {
color: #000000;}
.clear { clear:both;

7. Coding is finished. Save your template.

Step: 2

 Now each time you create a post and you need to add some HTML codes inside your post, you have to convert it into escapable characters. For this go to this tool called Quick escape and insert your code. Click, “Convert to escaped character” the converted code will be different than the original.
Now create a new blog post and add the converted code. You have to enclosed the code with a “pre” tag(marked as blue) For this I’ve added the same code twice. One normally and the other one with the hack.


Publish your post and see the magic! The normal code showed up with the effect but the hacked on remained intact inside the table.


 It's ok. Now you can easily HTML/Java codes.

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