How to Remove or Hide Post Count Number Beside Labels in Blogger Label

How to Remove or Hide Post Count Number Beside Labels in Blogger Label? If you are using Blogger platform for your blog so here is the tutorial to remove post count beside the labels. Just follow the below simple steps:

1. First log in to your Blogger account and Back-up your template.

2. Then click Template >> Edit HTML

3. Chose Proceed to start editing the HTML code.

4. Click on "Expand Widget Templates"

5. Scroll down and do a search (Ctrl+F) for the following code:

<span dir='ltr'>(<data:label.count/>)</span>

6. Once you find the above code simply remove (delete) it.

7. Click on "Save Templates" and refresh your blog and see there is no post count beside labels.

You can do it anther way easily.

Log in to your Blogger account and Select Layout.

Click on Edit on Labels Gadget.

Uncheck Show number of posts per label.

Click Save arrangement and refresh your blog and see there is no post count beside labels.

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