How to delete old, aged, forgotten Status on Facebook

How to delete old, aged, forgotten Status on Facebook? Are you want to delete your Status that you have given a few or more days ago? It have a opportunity to delete old tweets in Twitter. Here I will share a perfect solution for everything, even for this issue – deleting all old content (Status) from your Facebook profile.

The name of this application which I want to share with you is Exfoliate. Exfoliate is an great application that allows you to delete all your Status in one step. Exfoliate will remove permanently your own posts, comments, likes, and photos, from your friends’ walls too. You will find the application here!

Why do you need this application?

Sometimes we Status without knowing properly. After published we can realized that was wrong or unfair. But nothing to do! Again sometimes Status maybe harmful for personal security. This app will help you to protect your personal security and others problems.

How to use Exfoliate?

This application is very easy to use. Install the application and choose where you want to delete, then Choose the Age of Items to Remove! When the process complete you will be notified how many and what kind of Facebook Actions are deleted.

Note: It is not recoverable, so be careful when you are deleting the items.

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